Homemade Lemonade: Perfect Drink for a Summer Occasion


I have a tendency to overbuy ingredients. This weekend was no different. I bought too many lemons for my Breakfast Martini and I was left with a heck of a lot of juice.

Luckily, I love lemonade. So I made my very own fresh-squeezed glass. I also whipped up one (on the right) for my husband with an added surprise – only I’m not sure how he liked it.

Here’s what you need to do to make a traditional batch:

1)   Measure ¾ cup sugar

2)   Measure 1 cup water

3)   Pour the contents into a saucepan

4)   Heat it up and stir until all of the sugar dissolves

5)   Add this mixture to 1 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice

6)   Pour 3 cups of cold water on top

7)   Put the whole thing in the fridge for 40 min

Pour into ice-filled glasses. Serves about 6.

Homemade lemonade is an excellent non-alcoholic alternative to serve party guests who are pregnant, driving or just don’t like hard stuff. A good hostess caters to everyone’s needs. Your guests will also appreciate the effort and be thankful you made a drink just as special as everyone else’s.

Plus lemon juice and sugar syrup (which you made in the saucepan) can be used in a variety of other cocktails as well.

Now for the added kick I put in my husband’s drink. I mixed up a glass of lemonade with a shot of ABSOLUT VODKA and ¼ shot of TEICHENNE VANILLA SCHNAPPS. I like the combination of vanilla and lemon but I think my husband was a bit disappointed. The vanilla flavour hides some of the lemon’s zing. So maybe this one was a failure.

Oh well. This will be one I have to work on.