To Have and Have Another: I MUST Have This Hemingway Cocktail Companion

I have always had a crush on Ernest Hemingway. He was a man’s man, with all that hunting and fishing and war hero business. Yet he had a softer, sensitive side too, as you can read in his careful, contemplative writing.

He was also a man who knew his cocktails. In my European travels I have stalked a few of his old haunts. My blurry cover photo shows me five years ago in Madrid’s Museo Chicote, which Hemingway frequented when he was in Spain.

I think this book by Philip Greene will definitely be on my summer list:

To Have and Have Another: A Hemingway Cocktail Companion

Any book that combines cocktail recipes with suggested Hemingway reading has to be amazing. It provides a good recipe for that tricky-to-use cherry liqueur. A Farewell to Hemingway includes cherry liqueur, cherry syrup and lime.

One editorial review on Amazon states the book might “be the next best thing to drinking with Hemingway.”

Alas, if only I ever had the chance to share a few mojitos with the fella. It would have been a damned good time for sure.
Isn’t it pretty to think so?